December 18 2023 0Comment
Common Brick Restoration Mistakes to Avoid

Common Brick Restoration Mistakes to Avoid

Brick restoration is a crucial segment of the maintenance procedure. It helps revive the structural integrity and aesthetic appeal of the masonry structure. However, it is not a DIY project. You need to hire a building restoration contractor NY as they possess expertise, experience, and the necessary skills. Also, it is a demanding procedure requiring immense precision and dedication. A time-consuming and labor-intensive work like this is not a cakewalk!

The building restoration companies in the Bronx, Queens, Manhattan, and Westchester are equipped with highly trained professionals and advanced resources aiding seamless restoration services. However, the restoration procedure varies depending on the type, age, and structural condition of a building. So, it is necessary to meticulously inspect the site before beginning to work.

But, unfortunately, sometimes things go wrong, and we end up to costly mistakes! Learning about these mistakes can save your property from damage, and you experience a successful restoration journey.

So, let’s begin!  

Common Restoration Mistakes

Brick restoration is a highly challenging job. If not done correctly, it will do more harm than good. Building restoration services must be done only by a licensed and reliable masonry contractor, or else it may result in a disaster. Check out the common brick restoration mistakes to avoid them at any cost:

  • Improper Mortar- Mortar is the binding element that provides strength and compactness in the structure. Choosing the right type of mortar is crucial to ensure you do not have a color mismatch or weak bonding. Consider the color and texture of the existing mortar for the appropriate match.
  • Inappropriate Finish- Pointing or replacing damaged mortar with fresh one is one of the fundamental components of the restoration process. Sometimes, pointing is done inappropriately, where joints are not filled adequately and look sloppy. It leads to an uneven finish and does not aid the strength of the masonry structure.
  • Excessive Caulk or Grout- Putting too much caulk or grout does not aid any good. It acts as a hard sealant, posing less flexibility. Bricks and concrete cannot expand during high temperatures, causing cracks. Thus, your building becomes brittle. Nonetheless, an expert building restoration contractor NY pays special attention while performing such critical tasks. 
  • Incorrect Curing- The drying process is extensively significant. It determines the quality of the result. Curing the mortar too fast will only make it hard and brittle. Your structure will not acquire the potential strength. So, try to keep it moist by splashing water and letting it take time to cure.
  • Improper Flashing- Flashing is a waterproofing measure that protects the masonry from water infiltration. Improper flashing installation causes diverse problems like mold growth, water damage, etc. Your building is not water-safe!
  • Not Removing Excess Mortar- After residential building contractors have completed the restoration procedure, they must remove the excess mortar. It creates unappealing blemishes that are tough to remove. Once the mortar dries up, it becomes hard and stiff, and you require specialized tools and skills to remove it from the surface.
  • Wrong Alignment- It may not happen frequently, but sometimes brick alignment goes wrong. Incorrect alignment makes your building structurally unsound and unstable. Also, it curtails the overall aesthetic appeal. How does crooked brickwork look?
  • Failing to Take Safety Measures- Whether using heavy equipment or working at heights, you must take adequate precautions to minimize risk and damage. 


Taking care of these mistakes ensures long-lasting results. So, whenever hiring building renovation contractors, consider doing a background check to determine their expertise and competence. Better safe than regret!