When it comes to the advantages of waterproofing, the most important one is the defense of the water. Did you know that almost 90% of the problems due to water intrusion occur within the exterior of a building? So, buildings must be made waterproof through Exterior waterproofing in Brooklyn from the top of the room to the vertical just above the grade walls to the below of grade floors. In addition to the benefit of water prevention, exterior commercial waterproofing takes care of your home from the inside out. Now let us take a quick look into other advantages of commercial waterproofing services in Queens.
- Water damages account for almost 20% of the insurance claims by the owners of the home. Waterproofing can easily prevent costly repairs during floods including your basement.
- Molds grow on the damp surface as fast as from 24 to 48 hours. Waterproofing assists to create a healthier environment for your family since prolonged encounters with mold can cause hay fever, asthma, breathing problems, and many other medical conditions.
- Waterproofing in the basement can also lower the additional expenses to lower the overall cooling and heating costs. Humid air in the door that is caused by the leaks in the basement puts a lot of strain on the AC and can thus increase the bills of the energy from 10 to 15%.
- Protect the floor of the building with exterior waterproofing. Beneath every floor, there is a 2 to a 4-inch concrete floor. When the concrete becomes thin, it becomes vulnerable to the pressure due to groundwater underneath it. This leads to leaks and cracks on the floor which can be prevented through commercial building waterproofing.
- Waterproofing also helps to enhance the value of the overall property as water damage and mold can reduce the value of the property from 10 to 25%. A well-waterproofed home makes sure to make sure about the protection and value of your home.
- Over 60% of homes in Queens have a moisture problem in their basement. Increasing the well being and safety of your home through waterproofing as this will lower the risks of moisture troubles.
- Waterproofing also assists to prevent structural damage to a building. When water enters through the cracks, it can cause significant damage to the foundation or may even lead to buckling of the walls. Building Waterproofing in NYC will provide inside and outside structural protection to your home.
- Commercial waterproofing also stops the pollutant passage inside the building that can cause concrete palling, steel deterioration, and build-up of the chloride ions in between the structural components.
Final Thoughts
In the end, we can only suggest hiring the best waterproofing contractors in the Bronx like Construction Repair NYC to fix your waterproofing problems almost immediately. Most of the owners allow spreading the problems that cause further damage to the structure of the building. This will lead to more damages and ultimately destruction of a dream home. Thus before it goes out of your house, start the work of exterior waterproofing today.